Doris Marcoux Education Trust Scholarship

This scholarship is for students transferring from Williston State College to continue their education at another college after successfully completing at least one year at Williston State College. Students must have at least a 2.0 or greater GPA and the funds of the scholarship are to be used on tuition, on-campus board and room, books and supplies for the student. This scholarship is awarded on a semester-by-semester basis, so recipients need to complete an application for each semester they attend college. Preference will be given to students pursing a degree in education or teacher education. The deadline for fall semester is August 1 and the deadline for spring semester is December 1.
Application are available at First State Bank & Trust. For more information call 701/577-9618 or visit, Mail completed applications to First State Bank & Trust, Doris Marcoux Educational Foundation Scholarship, PO Box 1827, Williston, ND 58802-1827
